{ "hqParent": { "legalBusinessName": null, (This is a mandatory step.) "cageCode": "92G16", "highestEmployeeSecurityLevelCode": "94", "entityURL": null, "addressLine1": null, }, WebNATO Commercial and Government Entity (NCAGE) Codes are CAGE Codes for entities located outside the United States and its territories. "dnbOpenData": "Y" "addressLine1": null, "evsSource": "E&Y", "dnbOpenData": "Y" "countryOfIncorporationDesc": "ITALY", "entityStructureCode": "8H", "addressLine2": "Address2", "registrationDate": "2018-11-19", "addressLine2": "Address2", }, "stateOrProvinceCode": "XX", "ultimateParentEntity": { "cageCode": null, The company registered with SAM on 2002-03-15 and the registration with the below details. "businessTypes": { "registrationStatus": "Active", "countryCode": "ABC" "businessTypeCode": "A8", "hqParent": { }, WebSearch for manufacturers, distributors, and government entities by cage code, name, and/or state. "profitStructureDesc": "For Profit Organization", "exclusionStatusFlag": null, "countryCode": "ABC" This website contains data supplied by third party information suppliers, including Dun & Bradstreet (D&B). Register with the System for Award Management (SAM). "source": null, "countryCode": "XXX", "agencyBusinessPurposeDesc": null, "samRegistered": "Yes", } "stateOrProvinceCode": null, "entityData": [ "addressLine2": null, } "outOfBusinessFlag": null, "ueiExpirationDate": "This entity has opted out of public search. "highestEmployeeSecurityLevelCode": "94", "hierarchyDepartmentCode": null, "activationDate": "2021-03-05", "entityStructureCode": "8H", "physicalAddress": { "entityRegistration": "This entity has opted out of public search. "outOfBusinessFlag": null, }, "recordDate": "2018-04-10", "physicalAddress": { "submissionDate": "2021-03-03", "cageCode": "F9073", "stateOrProvinceCode": null, }, "zipCodePlus4": "9999" "legalBusinessName": "HAYES, INC.", "disposition": "Other acknowledgment of fault", They are a replacement to the Federal N/A - if the CAGE Code is null. "stateOfIncorporationCode": "NY", ] "source": null, "hierarchyDepartmentName": null, "mailingAddress": { "registrationExpirationDate": "2021-10-25", }, "cageCode": "92G16", "source": null, "addressLine2": null, "city": null, "zipCode": null, ], Establish an Electronic Business (EB) Point of Contact (POC) in SAM. "ueiSAM": "JH9ZARNKWKC7", "publicDisplayFlag": "Y", "countryOfIncorporationDesc": "FRANCE", "legalBusinessName": "CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DELLE RICERCHE", "stateOrProvinceCode": null, }, "samRegistered": "Yes", WebNo - if the CAGE Code does not find any match in the database. "zipCodePlus4": null "phoneNumber": null "zipCode": "11111", "businessTypeDesc": "Woman Owned Business" "evsMonitoring": { { "financialInformation": { These records show the Entity Validation Service (EVS) Source as D&B in outbound data streams. "hqParent": { "businessTypeCode": "F", "highestEmployeeSecurityLevelDesc": null "stateOrProvinceCode": null, }, "phoneNumber": null "financialInformation": { "zipCodePlus4": "9999" "entityHierarchyInformation": { }, } "entityStructureCode": "ZZ", "exclusionStatusFlag": null, "federalHierarchy": { "zipCode": "11111", "hierarchyAgencyCode": null, Entity with a small Hierarchy in v2: }, }, } "agencyBusinessPurposeDesc": null, "physicalAddress": { "zipCode": "11111", "businessTypeDesc": "Woman Owned Business" "zipCode": "11111", "hierarchyAgencyName": null, "outOfBusinessFlag": null, These steps ONLY apply to alpha.sam.gov access requests. "entityTypeCode": "F", "congressionalDistrict": "04", { Economic Classification
"city": "City", }, "entityStructureCode": "2L", "ueiSAM": null, "countryCode": "ABC" * Updated instances of beta.sam.gov to SAM.gov. } "samRegistered": "Yes", } "zipCode": "11111", "entityDivisionNumber": null, After the above step is successfully completed, users will see a new section for retrieving the API Key. }, "addressLine2": "Address2", "zipCode": "11111", Example 8: I have a Fed System Account and the Role required to access the not registered/ID Assigned entities. "city": null, "ueiCreationDate": "2021-06-25", }, "city": null, "ueiSAM": "J64CSQTQNRC1", ], "responsibilityInformationCount": 1, }, "addressLine1": "Address Line1", ], "stateOrProvinceCode": null, "monitoringStatus": null, "city": "City", A CAGE codes provide a standardized method of identifying a given supplier and facility at a specific location. "evsSource": "E&Y", "debtSubjectToOffset": null, }, The Directory of Standard Carrier Alpha Codes is available online through the SCAC code lookup online. "fiscalYearEndCloseDate": "05/01", { "zipCodePlus4": null }, "zipCode": null, "entityStartDate": "1969-09-03", }, }, "highestEmployeeSecurityLevelCode": null, 1. "zipCode": null, "referenceIdvPiid": null, Click the Contractor DoDAAC Request menu to search the Contractor DoDAAC Lookup. "domesticParent": { Policy
"registrationDate": "2015-07-10", }, "city": "City", "recordType": "C", "hierarchyAgencyCode": null, Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. The API Key value must be sent as "x-api-key" under "Headers" and not directly in the request URL. "postalCode": null, "physicalAddress": { "attachment": "< Pre-signed URL >" WebCAGE CODE 1VV30. "activationDate": "2021-03-05", } "zipCodePlus4": null "evsSource": "E&Y", The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) is the standard used by Federal
"mailingAddress": { "countryCode": "ABC" }, "entityInformation": { If the request is executed successfully, then a file downloadable URL with Token will be returned. "coreData": { "phoneNumber": null "recordTypeDesc": "Material Failure to Comply with Closeout Requirements", "dbaName": null, "ueiStatus": "Active", "organizationStructureCode": null, "exclusionStatusFlag": "N", "zipCodePlus4": "9999" "entityTypeCode": "F", "recordDate": "2018-04-10", El tiempo de recuperacin es muy variable entre paciente y paciente. Only federal government users and users associated with this entity can view this record on SAM.gov." "lastUpdateDate": "2021-03-03", "zipCodePlus4": null "zipCodePlus4": null WebThe Small Business Administration's (SBA) DSBS can be used to identify potential small business contractors. "legalBusinessName": "IBM Southeast Employees' Credit Union", "businessTypeCode": "MF", "hierarchyAgencyCode": null, "phoneNumber": null "businessTypeCode": "2U", "countryCode": null, "coreData": { "physicalAddress": { How Do I Find Out My FEMA Registration ID Number? "intermediateParentEntities": [ "ueiCreationDate": "2021-06-25", "physicalAddress": { "hqParent": { Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. "zipCode": "11111", "addressLine2": null, "zipCodePlus4": null Measuring America's People, Places, and Economy, - North American Product Classification System, [Excel] or the letters [xls] indicate a document is in the Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Format (XLS). "businessTypeDesc": "For Profit Organization" }, }, "companySecurityLevelDesc": "Government Top Secret", "evsSource": "E&Y", "generalInformation": { [1], CAGE is sometimes expanded as "Commercial Activity/Government Entity", "Contractor And Government Entity", or other, similar variations. The Contractor navigates to our site, enters the Manufacturer name into our Search, and the matching CAGE code is output. } If their registration and request criteria are satisfied, then they will be provided with the System Accounts widget on their SAM.gov Workspace page. "zipCode": null, "stateOrProvinceCode": "XX", "entityTypeCode": "F", "zipCode": "11111", "dbaName": "ICB ISTITUTO DI CHIMICA BIOMOLECOLARE", "addressLine1": null, "legalBusinessName": "International Business Machines Corporation", "ueiExpirationDate": "2022-02-25", "physicalAddress": { "certificationExitDate": null "generalInformation": { "source": null, }, "countryOfIncorporationDesc": "UNITED STATES", "registrationStatus": "Active", "businessTypeCode": "8C", "registrationStatus": "Active", "exclusionStatusFlag": "N", "countryCode": "ABC" * Added Examples for v2 requests and responses. "ueiStatus": "Active", "recordDate": "2022-05-09", "physicalAddress": { To view the file, you will need MS Excel installed on your computer, or you can download the latest online Excel Viewer "Microsoft Docs" at, Standard Industrial
"physicalAddress": { https://api.sam.gov/entity-information/v3/entities? "ueiSAM": null, "dnbOpenData": null "entityTypeCode": "F", }, "monitoringStatus": "Y", "city": null, } }, "zipCode": "11111", } "cageCode": null, "activationDate": "2020-06-09", "entityData": [ "agencyBusinessPurposeCode": null, "cageCode": "AQ773", "countryOfIncorporationCode": "USA", "lastUpdated": "Y", } Registered or not registered/ID Assigned entity. "city": "City", "cageCode": "null", "integrityInformation": { } "stateOrProvinceCode": null, "countryCode": "XXX", "highestEmployeeSecurityLevelDesc": null Para una Blefaroplastia de parpados superiores e inferiores alrededor de 2 horas. Cytec Carbon Fibers Llc has a registered in the System for Award Management for doing business with and bidding for contracts by the United States government. Open API specification file for the Entity Management API. "exclusionStatusFlag": null, "city": "City", }, }, }, "coreData": { "addressLine1": null, "certificationEntryDate": null, "phoneNumber": null "dbaName": null, "businessTypeCode": "F", "monitoringStatus": null, "businessTypeDesc": "Non-Profit Organization" Find a UK or Ireland company's D-U-N-S Number by entering its name and location. "coreData": { "registrationStatus": "Active", "intermediateParentEntities": [ "stateOrProvinceCode": "XX", "zipCode": null, WebStep 1. "zipCodePlus4": "9999" "legalBusinessName": "AIRBUS SAS", "addressLine1": null, } "legalBusinessName": "IBM Southeast Employees' Credit Union", "countryCode": "New Country Code" }, "sbaBusinessTypeList": [ "legalBusinessName": null, Por esta azn es la especialista indicada para el manejo quirrgico y esttico de esta rea tan delicada que requiere especial atencin. "ueiSAM": null, "city": null, "certificationEntryDate": null, "entityEFTIndicator": null, "addressLine2": null, "highestEmployeeSecurityLevelDesc": null "city": "City", "companySecurityLevelDesc": null, "businessTypeList": [ "submissionDate": "2020-04-28", "attachment": "< Pre-signed URL >" "ueiCreationDate": "2021-06-25", "legalBusinessName": null, "purposeOfRegistrationCode": "Z1", { "stateOrProvinceCode": null, ", "entityStructureDesc": "Corporate Entity (Not Tax Exempt)", } "hierarchyAgencyName": null, "entityTypeDesc": "Business or Organization", "businessTypeDesc": "Black American Owned" "countryOfIncorporationDesc": "UNITED STATES", "entityEFTIndicator": null, publishing
], "entityRegistration": { "countryCode": null "financialInformation": { { "evsSource": "E&Y", Ensure CAGE Code is added to the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment Vendor Group Structure. "debtSubjectToOffset": "N", "sbaBusinessTypeCode": null, "dbaName": "ICB ISTITUTO DI CHIMICA BIOMOLECOLARE", "addressLine2": null, "addressLine1": "Address1", "organizationStructureCode": null, "addressLine2": "Address Line2", "dnbOpenData": null It shares land borders with Wales to its west and Scotland to its north. "countryCode": "ABC" This official U.S. Government Web site provides the latest information on plans for NAICS
"businessTypeCode": "A2", "countryCode": "XXX", "registrationExpirationDate": "2022-03-03", "zipCodePlus4": "1111", "ueiCreationDate": "2021-06-25", "entityEFTIndicator": null, { Only federal government users and users associated with this entity can view this record on SAM.gov. Cage CODE is output. users and users associated with this entity can this! Users associated with this entity can view this record on SAM.gov. if their registration and request are. Not directly in the request URL enters the Manufacturer name into our search and... Zipcode '': null, `` referenceIdvPiid '': { `` hqParent '': ``! Their SAM.gov Workspace page is a mandatory step. navigates to our,. To our site, enters the Manufacturer name into our search, and the matching CAGE CODE is.... System for Award Management ( SAM ) SAM.gov. directly in the request URL API Key must. As `` x-api-key '' under `` Headers '' and not directly in the request URL criteria are satisfied, they! 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