This privet cultivar is sterile and non-invasive so you won't have to worry about it seeding itself in the landscape. I ordered 2 Ligustrums and one showed up sickly. Once established in a wooded area, it crowds out most of the native plants in the understory and quickly changes the ecology of the area. Ligustrum - Howardi / Size 1. When privet takes over, pollinators disappear. Attractive evergreen foliage Water thoroughly. Our Price: $6.95. Latin name: Ligustrum sinense 'Sunshine' Common name: Privet Type: Evergreen shrub Flowers: Supposedly none Mature size: 4-5' high, 4-6' wide (in 10 years), but may be pruned to 1'. Stay in the loop. ALS - 8'T x 5'W. Yew. In fact, it doesn't bloom at all, which is good news for allergy sufferers! Kept them watered - almost daily due to the heat - until our temps lowered enough to plant. Thank you for giving them some time and please let us know if we can help with any concerns! Ligustrum. Untrimmed, or only lightly trimmed, it will flower well in spring. While privet has a . Take care! Soil type doesn't matter, provided that it's well-draining. Ideal as a hedge in the landscape, Sunshine Ligustrum offers golden foliage that flourishes in full sun. It seems the California Privet was first seen in California, which explains its name, but in fact Ligustrum ovalifolium, to name it scientifically, comes from Japan and South Korea. It is also ideal for smaller hedges, between four and ten feet tall. The flowers are the most effective of all the privets, being pure-white, and clustered in dense, cone-shaped bunches up to 8 inches long and wide. It matures to an average height of 3 feet to 4 feet and an average width of 3 feet to 4 feet, depending on climate and other environmental factors. If you're planting in a container, select a pot that's about twice the size of your shrub's shipped container, use organic soil, and place in an area with adequate sunlight. All 5 arrived in good shape and on time. Sunshine Ligustrum is easy to grow in most any moist but well-drained soil of average fertility and full sun to part shade. Sunshine Ligustrum is not like common privet which, if left untended, will sprawl far and wide and reach heights of 15 feet or more. Thanks for the kind words and great review! Zone 2b has a low temperature of -45 to -40 Fahrenheit and -40 to -42.7 Celsius, spanning from interior areas of Alaska (Unalakleet), the northernmost tip of Minnesota, middle regions of Canada, and northernmost regions of China. 40 Lake Jackson homes for Sale in Lake Jackson TX with 4+ Bedrooms.. ShareLink Copied Map. Bloom/Feature: Very pleased.-------------------------------------Thanks so much for the photo, its beautiful! Once you see robust new growth on the plant, you can cut back watering to once a week. Its generous height makes it perfect for privacy use. But the Sunshine cultivar is an exception: Since it is sterile, there are no seeds to disperse, and the plant does not engage in the pollination efforts of most plants. The brightest foliage color is achieved with 7 or more hours of direct sun light per day. ft. 738 Marquette Dr, San Antonio, TX 78228 $319,000 MLS# 1670046 Spacious, beautifully renovated home with a 4 bedroom 2 bath , 1400 sq ft upstairs uni. The yellow color the rest of the year will make up for it. Either way would have been great. 4926 Equestrian Circle #A is a 2BR / 2BA for sale in Boynton Beach, FL 33436. :) Beth Steele | WBG, Plants came in perfect shape and it is now planted on my lawn.--------------------------------We are so glad you are pleased with your purchase! Zone 5b has a low temperature of -15 to -10 Fahrenheit and -23.4 to -26.1 Celsius, spanning all the way across the US; from interior regions of the northwest, straight across the middle of the country and on to coastal areas of northeast US, southern coastal areas of Alaska, coastal regions of western Canada, central interior regions of Europe, central interior regions of China, southern interior regions of South America, and coastal regions of northern and interior regions of southern Japan. The Japanese privet is widely seen as relatively safe to grow, and the California privet is acceptable as well. As well, these are plants that can cope with the worst urban conditions of dust and pollution, filtering the air as it enters your garden in the process. Whether its a splash of color you seek or a mass of brilliant, striking contrast, the Sunshine Ligustrum is a ray of sunshine the day its delivered! Simply dig your hole, Zone 7b has a low temperature of 5 to 10 Fahrenheit and -12.3 to -14.9 Celsius, spanning all the way across the US; from eastern California through southern New Mexico and central Texas, across the northern parts of Georgia and the Carolinas to the mid Atlantic coast, coastal regions of western Canada, central interior regions of Europe, central interior regions of China, coastal regions of northern and areas just inland in southern Japan, southern interior regions of South America, and northern and southern interior regions of Africa. Our cost-effective One Year Warranty guarantees If you trim it regularly, it is a different story, since a 3 or 4-foot hedge is as easy as a 15-foot . Landscape Use: California privet makes a good hedge, when plants are set 9 to 12 inches apart. Plants for screens, to block ugly views, or to make simple hedges all these should not need us to do work to keep them healthy and growing rapidly. We will not ship into states where it is prohibited. Thats why weve got you covered! It is a modest grower, never passing 6 feet tall, and spreading 3 or 4 feet wide, so it can be used for an unclipped screen, a clipped hedge from low to tall, or as specimens among shrubs. ALS - 4'T x 4'W. Consider planting a loosely-arranged threesome on either side of your front entrance, for example. This sterile, non-invasive cultivar will not re-seed into the landscape. Now I know that Sunshine Ligustrum shrubs do that every winter. Get peace of mind for your new plants. We are so glad you are pleased and we hope you enjoy them for years to come! Unsheared plants produce a profusion of white blossoms in the spring, followed by dark blue berries. What you see is what you get. Some are more popular plantings than others, while some have been banned entirely by a few Southern gardeners, including a famously grumpy one. Evg. A compact, upright growing, vigorous evergreen shrub with large glossy, deep green leaves. The sunshine ligustrum loves well-draining growing mediums, so add some loam-based compost or other ingredients that improve drainage and aeration. Find a garden center near you. But due to overwatering, underwatering, shedding intensity, temperature fluctuation, pests, diseases, frost problems, soil conditions, and . Left to grow, the Sunshine reaches a maximum height of only four feet, spreading into a bullet shape, with soft, upright branches. If no seeds are produced, then plants cant become invasive. Glossy privet ( L. lucidum) is an evergreen tree that grows 45 feet (13.5 m.) tall or more, but you can grow it as a large shrub with frequent pruning. Please contact your local store for product availability. We planted our two plants in post for the time being, wanting to let them grow some before planting them in a bed. Here are a few more reasons to consider this lovely bush for your garden: The Sunshine ligustrum shrub does well in partial shade to full sun four or more hours of direct light a day. To care for sunshine ligustrum, plant it in full sun or partial shade and give it well . 3 Gal. Sunshine Ligustrum 1 Gallon 3 Gallon 7 Gallon Full Sun Plants, Evergreen Shrubs, Outdoor Plants for Sale, Yellow Plants, South Living Plants Ad vertisement by dbgdesignsco. ?.----------------------------------------------------We are so glad you are pleased and we hope you enjoy them for years to come! We are always on the lookout for easy care, colorful, water-wise, non-invasive garden solutions. The simple answer is that in some areas, with some species, privets can be invasive. We were lucky to of had the opportunity to purchase 5, but we'd love to purchase 5 more from you, but your prices are so much higher. FREE SHIPPING (15) Chicago Cold Hardy Fig Tree - 1 Gallon Pot. Bursts of Sunshine Yellow Color All Year Round. Even in very shady locations where many other plants will not grow, they make acceptable hedges and filler plants, so they are ideal for all those difficult spots. Our Price: $9.95. Privet is an understory shrub (although some can get up to 50 ft. tall). To ensure you'll be planting and growing the plants you purchase from us like the pros, under the PLANTING and CARE tabs on every plant page in Wilson Bros Gardens you'll find detailed descriptions and planting and care instructions provided by our horticultural experts. One of the problems with privet is not the plant itself, but the places it is grown. The evergreen species is highly resistant to pests and diseases, as well as deer. If a plant gets damaged - from weather, human error or anything else - just send in a picture, and youll get Its dense nature is terrific for topiary, so if . Its a cost-effective way to guarantee your plants for a full year. But last year I face a problem with this lovely plant. Elizabeth Taylor, eat your heart out. There are several different species and types of privet grown in gardens. It has glossy green leaves and clusters of white flowers in late spring or early summer. They can adapt to most soil conditions except areas that stay constantly moist. This tough plant is so versatile we keep finding new places to use it! Your input is very much appreciated. These plants also grow well in the other growing zones year-round. All Privet Hedges belong to the plant group Ligustrum, and are sometimes called Ligustrum as a common name. Zone 10b has a low temperature of 35 to 40 Fahrenheit and 4.4 to 1.7 Celsius, covers areas of south Florida (Miami), southern most coastal regions of Europe (Portugal, Spain, and Italy), southernmost regions of China, northern regions of Australia, central regions of South and Central America, and interior and coastal regions of Africa. For one, Sunshine Ligustrum is non-invasive. Moisture level and water are checked to ensure your plant(s) arrive in good condition and are ready to plant! Will be ordering more.----------------------------WBG Reply: Hi Claudia, Thanks so much for taking the time to provide your review of the Sunshine Ligustrum. Sunshine ligustrum is considered an ideal hedge plant for garden lovers because of its unique yellowish foliage having a height of 3-5 feet. The Sunshine ligustrum shrub does well in partial shade to full sun four or more hours of direct light a day. place the Drop 'N Grow bag in the center (burlap included), then use excess dirt to fill the hole. 2. They attract a lot of insects, and as the flowers fade they are replaced by clusters of small berries, black or very dark blue, sometimes with a gray powdery surface. The Sunshine ligustrum can be grown outside in USDA hardiness zones 6 to 10. Planting: A minimum of 4 hours of sun is its preference, so seek full sun to partial shade locations (anywhere from 3 to 6 hours of sunlight daily). This sterile, non-invasive cultivar will not re-seed into the landscape. Ligustrum - Golden Vicary Privet / Size 1. They usually never suffer from pests or diseases, they are drought-resistant, and they are easily controlled for size, since they can be cut as hard as necessary, quickly coming back with new, healthy and vigorous growth. . Please complete the form below and we'll send a link to your friend! The quality of the plants I received: they were in good condition, and packaged well. After the plant is established, it is drought and heat tolerant. Winter color is gold with orange overtones. We immediately planted these as a border next to our driveway. Our Price: $5.95. Compared with the National Average. For the first few months watering twice a week is advisable, although once a week will probably be enough unless the soil is very sandy and the weather hot and dry. Very happy to be able to find this plant. The Chinese Privet bush, Ligustrum sinense, comes, not surprisingly, from China, and can grow to as much as 20 feet tall, so give it room. New Arrivals. The result is an exceptionally dense appearance, with little need for trimming. Excellent choice for an accent, hedging or shear into a topiary. As noted on the website, some items are seasonal, and may only ship in spring or fall. Not only have we built our reputation on shipping the highest quality plants, we take great care to gently pack and secure every plant we ship using the highest level of packaging products and methods available to ensure your plants arrive safely and in good condition - Guaranteed! 62 Inches. Mature Height/Spread: This semi-evergreen shrub grows rapidly to 15 feet, has dark green, 2-inch leaves and dull white, heavy scented flowers. However, make sure to water enough to keep its surrounding soil moist. Far better to grow it in a larger space, where it can mature into its full beauty. A fine addition to formal gardens, knot gardens and yellow theme gardens. While privet is infamous for growing like a weed, 'Sunshine' Ligustrum is non-invasive and easier to confine. We use the highest level and quality of packaging methods. Pruning: Arguably the most intimidating step when it comes to caring for your garden. The Sunshine Ligustrum is an easy-grow shrub that can be grown in pots or straight in your garden or yard. Also, same plant (from Southern Living) is at Home Depot for less money (and no shipping cost). Several fungal diseases, including powdery mildew and honey fungus, can attack ligustrums. There are varieties that range from 4 feet to 15 feet tall. The Sunshine ligustrum dwarf plant is a sterile, non-invasive cultivar that will not re-seed into the landscape. I dont usually go over board on my reviews, especially from a company I had never ordered from before but Wilsonbrosgardens has it going on for sure!------------------------------------Hi Ron, Thanks so much for taking the time to provide your review of the Sunshine Ligustrum. This is the brightest yellow plant in my yard! They have no significant pests or diseases and thrive under harsh conditions, even among the roots of established trees. Beth Steele | Wilson Bros Gardens, Couldn't decide to go straight with 8 of the yellow or in serpentine style. Take $17 Off Orders Over $75 With Code LUCKY17. We suggest adding one to two inches of mulch around the base of the plant to ensure moisture. Do you love privet, or is it a planting you will never ever touch? On Sale. Very nice plants that arrived quickly. This b. Attracts Birds / Butterflies, Deer Resistant, Disease / Pest Resistance, Dwarf, Easy Care, Returns Year After Year, Upright Habit. The plant is sterile & non-invasive. Deer tend to pass Sunshine Ligustrum by, as do other common pests. This plant grows very rapidly, 3 to 4 or even 5 feet in a year, so it is ideal for quick hedges and screens. long (6 cm), and panicles of small, white flowers at the stem tips in early summer. 4.8/5 Sunshine Ligustrum will grow up to 4 feet in height with an equal spread. Ligustrum Sunshine - Tree Farm & Nursery About Us Retail Nursery Wholesale Plants Butterflies in NE Florida Asclepias curassavica Asclepias incarnata Asclepias perennis Asclepias tuberosa Pesticides on Butterfly Plants Tiger Swallowtail Edible Landscaping Alphabetical links to Edible Landscaping Now thats how you ship a plant! This type of data sharing may be considered a "sale" of information under California privacy laws. For sale are five 12-24" tall Privet Bareroot plants ----- A multi-stemmed deciduous shrub . If in the rare event the plants or products you purchased from us were damaged during transit, or if you are not satisfied with the quality of the plants, please call or. All Rights Reserved. They will grow well in almost any soil, and tolerate urban conditions well. You will need to contact us by May 30th so we can review and assist. These contain a large seed, and very little flesh. They arrived very healthy. due to transit. plants are shipped to you. Sunset Zones 2-24 Find your Sunset Zone USDA Zones -10F to 0F USDA zones 6-10 The Sunshine Ligustrum is an exceptional shrub with golden foliage that thrive in full sun. Sunshine Ligustrum From Southern Living Plant Collection Rated 4.73 out of 5 based on 82 customer ratings ( 82 customer reviews) Pot size Purchase this product now and earn 100 PBM Points! Ligustrum is easily pruned into more formal shapes. Romance, elegance, and grace, in shrub form. While this evergreen bush may be a controversial plant in some states, it is not banned or considered invasive in all states. We'll look at a unique way to prune Ligustrum sinense 'Sunshine' from Southern Living. Take $17 Off Orders Over $75 With Code LUCKY17, SAVE SOME GREEN! Both of these are today growing wild in large areas of many countries. Beautiful display of bright golden foliage throughout the growing season Winter color is gold with orange overtones Unlike its close cousins and their notorious reputation for multiplying, this hybrid doesnt flower or reseed. We are so glad you are pleased and we hope you enjoy them for years to come! Zone 2a has a low temperature of -50 to -45 Fahrenheit and -42.8 to -45.5 Celsius, spanning from interior areas of Alaska, northern regions of Canada (Manitoba), and northernmost isolated parts of China. Golden Vicary Privet makes an excellent hedge with good growth rate, and large, dense foliage. See what our plants look like shipped to your home! $ 19.98 In stock Add to cart Add to wishlist Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait - 1.5 lb $ 36.98 Add to cart Corona - 7 Classic Bypass Pruners - Forged Steel $ 24.98 Purple Wisteria. We are thrilled to hear everything went well with your Sunshine Ligustrum Shrub. Additional lime players Ligustrum sinense 'Sunshine', Carex 'Everillo', and Cistus 'Little Miss Sunshine' also make appearances. Fertilize with a slow-release, organic fertilizer in a balanced formula that is designed for landscape trees and bushes. Your total satisfaction is important to us. Use a slow-release, balanced fertilizer; applying a light, half-strength dose in early spring. The Sunshine ligustrum can be used in any way that you might consider using a privet as a hedge, an edging plant, a filler, or on its own. The Wax leaf Privet is immensly popular with gardeners because it is very easy to grow and requires low . Zone 7a has a low temperature of 0 to 5 Fahrenheit and -15 to -17.7 Celsius, spanning all the way across the US; from northeast California across southern Oklahoma to up through the Appalachian Mountains to the mid Atlantic coast, coastal regions of western Canada, central interior regions of China, central interior regions of Europe, coastal regions of northern and central interior regions of southern Japan, and northern and southern interior regions of Africa. Get all the details below, Sunshine Ligustrum is a dwarf privet that sports. Zone 3a has a low temperature of -40 to -35 Fahrenheit and -37.3 to -39.9 Celsius, spanning from northernmost regions of Minnesota (International Falls), interior and northern coastal areas of Alaska (St. Michael), southern regions of Canada, northern regions of Europe, northern regions of China, and central regions of northern Japan. For the first couple of years a good drink during long dry periods will be appreciated, but mature plants really need no attention. They went in the ground yesterday, and I am excited to see how they do in our high desert environment - and with the deer :)---------------------------------------------We are so glad you are pleased and we hope you enjoy them for years to come! The Sunshine ligustrum size is up to 3-6 feet tall and 3-4 feet wide at full maturity with a moderate growth rate. Our number one goal is your success! Once your order is shipped, youll receive an email with a tracking number and estimated delivery date. The Round-Leaf Privet is similar to the previous one, but the leaf is broader and almost circular, as can be seen from the name Rotundifolium. Japanese privet is hardy in all areas from zone 7 and warmer. We are so glad you are pleased and we hope you enjoy them for years to come! Perhaps because they are so often used for difficult places, the natural beauty of some, such as the Japanese privet, which forms an attractive medium-sized flowering shrub, can be overlooked. plant shipping cost is at the customers expense. How To Fertilize Ligustrum And Privet Plants, Zone 6a|Zone 6b|Zone 7a|Zone 7b|Zone 8a|Zone 8b|Zone 9a|Zone 9b|Zone 10a|Zone 10b, Full Sun (min 6 hours)|AM Sun w/ PM Shade|AM Shade w/ PM Sun, Moist But Well-Drained|Dry (when established), Pink Muhly Grass - Cotton Candy Grass - 1 Gallon Pot, Sunrosa Red Dwarf Shrub Rose - 1 Gallon Pot, Sunburst Variegated Korean Boxwood - 1 Gallon Pot. Remove diseased branches and dispose of them. We will review Apply for a Home Depot Consumer Card vibrant yellow year-round foliage Plant in full sun to part shade Packing material and methods are incorporated to ensure the correct moisture level and to protect the structure of the plant. $439,999 USD . The fragrant blossoms are considered by many to have an unpleasant aroma. Most flower in summer with clusters of cream or white flowers, often followed by black berries that are favorites with birds. You can't add more Product Name - Product size to the cart. In zone 5 it will lose some of its leaves during the colder months, but in warmer areas it is fully evergreen. The individual flowers are small, just a fraction of an inch across, and either white or cream. Sign up for our mailing list for special offers, new products, expert advice and more. As a returning customer, I found these plants to be the most beautiful yellow color that literally knock your socks off. The choice is yours, although its worth noting that you will see more vivid color on the new growth of unpruned shrubs. Most orders ship immediately, but some items are seasonal and may only ship in spring or fall. In fact, it doesnt bloom at all, which is good news for allergy sufferers! It came almost without an leaves, because of the shipping process, but it came back very well. period. We were very surprised and elated at the condition of the plants upon arrival. Privet Hedges typically flower in summer, although plants that are regularly trimmed may rarely or never flower. Fertilizing Use a slow-release, balanced fertilizer; applying a light, half-strength dose in early spring. We're promoting a privet? Southern Living has developed a winner with Sunshine Ligustrum! Add sunshine to your garden with the easy to grow Sunshine Ligustrum by Southern Living. Sunshine Ligustrum is not like common privet which, if left untended, will sprawl far and wide and reach heights of 15 feet or more. It has creamy-white flowers in open clusters in spring and summer, followed by black berries. Japanese Privet The Ligustrum japonicum grows up to 9 feet tall with a width of five feet wide. I called to make sure the plants weren't dying and was told that this is the normal winter color for this ligustrum. Ligustrum sinense 'Sunshine' does great in warmer climates, and flourishes in full sun. Thanks for the great review! These evergreen plants have long been a favorite shrub planted for wild turkey, deer and other wildlife foo d sources. Sunshine Ligustrum is hardy down to 0 degrees Fahrenheit, so in a mild winter, you may be able to leave it on your patio, covering it with a blanket during cold nights. How To Measure Total Square Feet Of A Planting Area. The item you are trying to purchase is currently out of stock.Please enter your name, email, and location below. And you can use it as an accent in a large combination container. Other Ligustrum species include L. amurense, L. japonicum, L. lucidum, L. ovalifolium, and L. vulgare, all of which have distinctive characteristics. In fact, it doesnt bloom at all which is good news for allergy sufferers. In addition to that, there are eleven accepted species of Ligustrum. Some varieties have golden and variegated foliage. I imagine come next Spring the color will be much more brilliant. :) - Beth | WBG, The plant arrived on time and was healthy and gorgeous!----------------------------------------We are so glad you are pleased and we hope you enjoy it for years to come! This gives the plant a more vibrant, attractive appearance, and combined with the glossy leaves makes it a real winner. * The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map was created so that gardeners, growers and landscapers have a way to compare the average lowest temperature in their area with the average lowest temperature that a specific plant will survive without damage. Water frequently when newly planted. The plants arrived in good condition and we look forward to watching them grow.----------------------------------------------------------We are so glad you are pleased and we hope you enjoy them for years to come! The fact that they look similar has led to confusion, and some privets that probably should not be grown in certain areas, because they can be invasive, are confused with worthwhile and desirable types, which are then not grown, to the great loss of gardeners. Smaller types can be used as miniature trees in containers with similar simple training and trimming. Semi-deciduous in zone 6 gardens. Make sure you plant it in a spot where it gets at least six hours of sun per day. The perfect choice for a bright, cheery hedge around your garden, yard or property, the Sunshine Ligustrum evergreen shrub is part of the Southern Living Plant collection and offers bright yellow foliage that really shines in a way that the dark green foliage of most hedges simply can't match. Other selections include L. 'Suwanee River' and L. 'Vicaryi', the latter of which is also known as "vicary golden privet" and has bright yellow leaves. Southern Living Sunshine Ligustrum 2 Gallon. 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